Maintenance Fee Information
Payment Information
Remit your Payment to;
925 N. Halifax Ave
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
- Maintenance fees are due on the 1st of every month.
- Maintenance Checks can be dropped in the black box.
- A Late Fee will be charged to your account after the 10th of each month. See Fee Schedule.
- If payment is not received by the 20th of each month, an Interest Fee will be charged to your account. See Fee Schedule.
- If you use Bill Pay at your Bank to pay your Maintenance Fees, make sure that you update the amount you pay at the start of each year if the Maintenance Fees have changed.
- Please Note: The Association Office does not send monthly invoices for Maintenance Fees.
Remit your Payment to;
925 N. Halifax Ave
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Monthly Maintenance Fees;
Warranty Deed
The BCMA Office requires a RECORDED COPY of the Warranty Deed for the Association's records. A recorded deed on file validates your votes at the Annual Membership Meeting.
The BCMA Office requires a RECORDED COPY of the Warranty Deed for the Association's records. A recorded deed on file validates your votes at the Annual Membership Meeting.